Marble Grits

Marble grits tiles, obtained mixing marble grains with cement, date back to '600.

At the beginning of '900, old techniques and new materials suggested the production of marble grits tiles, really suitable for heavily decorated surfaces.

Today, this type of floor is requested and appreciated where is necessary to instill the warmth that other more modern materials can't.

The "Venetian Way Tiles" are produced in the several formats, either squared 20 x 20 cm, 25 x 25 cm, 34 x 34 cm, 40 x 40 cm, or hexagonal h 20 cm and h 25 cm, 2,5 cm in thickness.

Tiles consist of two layers. The first layer is about 1 cm thick and is made of portland cement, washed and powered marbel crit, marble powder and coloured oxides; the second layer is a strong concrete with selected inert matters and it is about 1.7 cm thick. The tile is delivered in its natural state to polish afterwards.

Due to the mix of marble powders and the variety of materials, there could be alterations of tones between tiles.

Available types

Marble grits tiles are available in the following types:

  • Single Decoration
  • Carpets
  • Borders
  • Unicolors

Single Decoration

Exclusive single decoration tiles in which the design is in a single tile. Generally is used in the central part of a room.


Used in the central part of the room, the design is composed across four tiles.


Used to close the central part of a flooring, available in flower and geometric versions.


Can be used to close the central part of a decorated flooring, composed by a border and a carpet; can be placed as chessboard, alternated with single decoration or another unicolor tile in the central part of the flooring, otherwise can be used in the central part of the flooring in a color other than the one used in the external part of the flooring.

Some realizations

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